Coming Soon to
Pickwick Theatre
Coming Soon to
Pickwick Theatre
"The Power of Faith III" is the last of the trilogy. The first one focused on faith, the secound talked about hope, and this one is strickly abour the power of love.
These are the 3 Biblical virtues, and the most important of all is LOVE.
Film about an inspiring story to never give up, keep your faith, and having hope, no matter what challenges you must face. This Polish-American film with subtitles, will premier at Pickwick Theatre on April 13th 2025. Director: Agnieszka Topolska Cinematography: Artur Jakóbik, Daniel Bragiel, Radosław Karczmarczyk i Michał Szymon Jarząbek Editing: Michał Szymon Jarząbek Trailer song from Envato "162 Epic"